NOTICE: You should assume that we have a position (long or short) in one or more of the securities of a Covered Issuer (and/or options, swaps, and other derivatives related to one or more of these securities), and therefore stand to realize significant gains in the event that the prices of either equity or debt securities of a Covered Issuer decline or appreciate.

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In this section you will find our original short selling research. We aim to find companies which we believe are overvalued, operating unviable business models, have untrustworthy management, etc. Read these reports to learn what we have learned about these companies, and why we think their stocks may lose value. We may have significant positions in these stocks, either long or short. Always do your own work and consult a professional before making any investment decision.

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Our Website is a financial data and tools provider. Differentiated Analytics is not a broker/dealer, we are not an investment advisor, we have no access to non-public information about publicly traded companies, and this is not a place for the giving or receiving of financial advice, advice concerning investment decisions or tax or legal advice. We are not regulated by any financial regulatory authority.

We are a research platform for analysing datasets, indexes, and other data summaries related to various publicly traded companies. No content on the site constitutes - or should be understood as constituting - a recommendation to enter in any securities transactions or to engage in any investment strategy. We do not provide personalised recommendations or views as to whether a stock or investment approach is suited to the financial needs of a specific individual.

The purpose of the data and other content provided by Differentiated Analytics is to serve as a single part of one's analysis of various companies, industries and economic sectors. No investment decision should be made solely based on information from Differentiated Analytics.

Read the full disclaimer here.